Our Levels
At Pole Impact, we don't believe in mastering every single move on an arbitrary list in order to "move up" a level. We understand that every body is different. Instead, we prioritize anchor moves. These are foundational movements – like a pole sit or an outside leg hang – that will need to be performed safely and cleanly before attempting more challenging moves. Our instructors will assess your anchor moves to help you determine if you’re ready to move on to the next class.
That said, if you've never tried pole before, come to our Intro or Beginner classes!
Anchor Moves
You will need to perform these moves cleanly and confidently before moving onto a more challenging class:
intro to pole
This class is for brand new polers and will cover basic pole moves.
Pole Sit
Covers basics spins, pirouettes, and climbs. Polers will build the strength needed to advance to the next level
Front hook spin
Low Intermediate
Polers who can climb the pole will be most comfortable in this class. Covers beginning inverts, intermediate spins, and tricks.
Invert to crucifix
High Intermediate
Polers must have a strong ground invert to attend this class. More intricate skills and combinations will be explored here.
Invert to outside leg hang hold with no hands
Polers must get instructor permission to move to advanced level classes, and must have a strong aerial invert.
Shoulder mount
Brass monkey
Polers must get master instructor permission to move to the elite level classes. Fonjis, flips, and cup grip moves will be explored here.