Our classes
No matter where you are in your pole journey -- whether it's learning a pole sit or training for a competition -- we have a class for you.

Our foundational pole and aerial tricks and combos classes.
Learn how to go upside down, hang by one foot, and master gravity-defying moves. Then, combine your moves together to create beautiful and powerful sequences.
At Pole Impact, we don't believe in mastering every single move on an arbitrary list in order to "move up" a level. We understand that every body is different. Instead, we prioritize anchor moves. These are foundational movements – like a pole sit or an outside leg hang – that will need to be performed safely and cleanly before attempting more challenging moves. Our instructors will assess your anchor moves to help you determine if you’re ready to move on to the next class. See a full list of our anchor moves and levels here.
Better than a gym workout, EMPOWER classes challenge every part of your body with workouts designed to develop your strength and stamina for power pole moves.
HIIT That! -- a heels-optional, heart-pumping choreography class that incorporates pole strength and conditioning. Heels and knee pads are optional, but encouraged.

Classes to help you find your flow and build your unique style.
Treat yourself to Choreo Flow, a choreography series taught by our talented instructors – each with their own unique styles.
Explore and expand your body's own unique language through movement in Feel Your Flow, an open level freestyle class. Guided by variations of foundational based moves, concepts and transitions, you'll add your own spice for an authentic and cathartic release of self-expression.
Learn the basics of jumps, leaps, turns, and acro in our dynamic Fundamentals of Dance & Acro class. Learn how to incorporate different levels into your flow, how to move across the floor, and so much more!
Practice those splits, stretch those shoulders, and relieve those tight calves. With all the hard work we do at Pole Impact, it's important to prioritize physical -- and mental -- recovery time.
Our Stretch classes focus on whole-body dynamic and static flexibility, with an emphasis on three-way splits, shoulders, and back flexibility.
Find your center with our Yoga Flow class: dynamic continuous yoga set to upbeat music to build strength and flexibility through steady movement.